Monday, April 11, 2011

Print This Email!

I don't want to hurt any feelings, but I can't stand it anymore.
Are you one of those people who print this at the end of your email messages?:

"Please consider the environment before printing this email."

This is an agenda driven statement that is completely false and has been blindly passed around now for years. It states that you are uninformed and don't know the real facts.

Try something like this instead, part or all:

"It's okay to print this email. Paper is a renewable and recyclable resource. The forest products industry plants more than 1.7 million trees per day. For every tree that is harvested, several more are planted or naturally regenerated."

If you really care about the environment, the paper you use should be carefully chosen. It should be a domestic sheet and be SFI, or FSC certified. You can plant additional trees by printing with Chromatic and using the Green Print Alliance logo as well.

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